Desolation of the Desert

“As the deer pants for streams of water,

so my soul pants for you, O God.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

Where can I go and meet with God?

My tears have been my food day and night,

While men say to me all day long,

‘Where is your God?’”

-Psalm 42:1-3

The desert: no water to quench your thirst, a scorching sun drying out anything green and lush, and a place devoid of life.  David, author of Psalm 42, understood life in the rain forest and life in the desert.  He had mountain top experiences with God and still experienced the cavernous valleys of life.  David had everything; power, status, money, friends and favor.  Yet even living the good life he experienced war, fall from power, loneliness and abandonment.  Get used to David’s story because that’s what life with Jesus looks like.

Jesus isn’t a magic carpet ride that flies us over the valleys of life; He doesn’t work like that.  Thankfully He doesn’t rescue us from our problems, but sweeter still walks with us through the desert.  My life, lately, feels like a long walk through the desert.  I moved to a new city where I knew no one, I lost a close friend and new endeavors have failed.  I keep thinking this was not the plan; this is not how things are supposed to turn out.  Ever feel like that?

It’s hard to see where Jesus is in the sandstorm, but that’s where increased faith comes from.  It’s easy to love Jesus when He leads you to the mountain top, when He whispers to your heart, when He provides you with community, when He gives you the desires of your heart, when life makes sense.  Jesus allows the hurt of life to find us knowing that our faith WILL grow in Him.  So let’s stop questioning why we’re in the desert and start walking through it with Jesus.  Get into the Word, talk with Jesus, search for community, turn up the worship music and know it’s okay to feel.  It’s okay to question, it’s okay to be frustrated and angry, and it’s okay to feel lonely.

The good news is you and Jesus will walk through the desert, and into a vibrant, lush rain forest.  Until then hold onto His promises and remember the mountain top experiences with Jesus.  Grow in faith with Christ in every situation and in every new chapter of life, because walking with Jesus is a beautiful adventure.  As David continues his prayer he reminds himself of life on the other side of the desert.

“These things I remember as I pour out my soul:

how I used to go with the multitude,

leading procession to the house of God,

with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng.

-Psalm 42: 4

2 thoughts on “Desolation of the Desert

  1. Christian

    Encouraging !
    Also if your in the Dessert or in a situation in life that feels like the dessert just keep an eye out for the wonders , like in the actual dessert you might not see a lot of life signs but there is life everywhere buried beneath the ground sheltered from the sun, or wonders in plain sight. ( Eg the morning dew that forms in the kalahari dessert and is collected by the people there as there water supply ) If you have the right attitude and keep up faith in Jesus the dessert still might not be the top place to be but its easier to walk through, and the experience will help you appreciate the rainforest as soon as you get there !


    1. Very true! I’ve been learning that although the desert is a hard place to be there is a sweetness because of the closeness with Jesus. Also, He always sends the right encouragement at the perfect time (like dew in the desert). Thanks for your insight and encouraging comment Christian 🙂


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